Professional Experience

Sr. Technology Manager
2019 to 2020
Executed cross functional innovative, large-scale projects, increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and predicting risks. Served as Technical Project Manager for implementation thru product lifecycle using Agile methodology.

• Realized 70% in time savings worth 35% on risked project costs by designing and deploying cloud application for large scale drilling projects, combining engineering, financials and risk analysis for informed decision making.

• Achieved time savings of 80% and cost reduction of 20% by creating cloud-based data analytics tools, allowing comparison and prediction of time and risks of new projects.

• Produced cloud application with summary of Key Performance Indicators for real-time decision making in drilling operations, saving 70% of time, with total of 20% costs savings.

Consulting Technical Director
2015 to 2018
Championed cross-discipline technical team, analyzing and providing technical recommendations to large-scale worldwide Oil and Gas projects exploring new fields, locate new wells and increase hydrocarbon production.

• Rated A in customer service satisfaction for project technical content, delivering on time and within budget by prioritizing over 20 worldwide technical projects (over $1MM), staffing with multi-disciplinary team spread in various locations.

• Found by-passed oil reservoir zones in 3 major projects, using application designed on data analytics and statistical methodologies. (Work published at 2017 SPE technical conference in Canada).

• Conducted research and data analytics for strategic direction, financial analysis, viability of projects, risk analysis and forecasting for over 30 projects, achieving drilling efficiency and production increase.

Consulting Principal
2013 to 2015
Produced unconventional plays strategic planning to drill and produce oil and gas reservoirs in efficient and cost-effective manner with maximum recovery.

• Increased efficiency of Oil and Gas fields research by 95%, by building and programing database in Excel VBA for oil and gas fields sold to multiple customers outside USA, finding analogs for US fields.

• Received award in June 2014 for customer price optimization and win rate increase of 20% by coding financial tool in Excel VBA for building commercial strategies for Consulting Projects.

• Performed global implementation and training of consulting financial tool, allowing faster decision making and portfolio balancing.

DPM Operations Manager
Led Dynamic Pressure Management Operations in Argentina. Managed team size of 120 direct reports, 25 front-line leaders and contractors. Negotiated with unions.

• Built business plan for importing assets, achieving 100% utilization at premium market rates.

• Gained 100% of market share positively, impacting business bottom-line in less than 3 months of work.

• Selected, hired, and organized 120 employees, covering safety and operations efficiency for simultaneous operations.

DPM Sr Drilling Engineer
2012 - 2013
Performed dynamic pressure management drilling feasibility studies and programs for worldwide operations.

• Increased efficiency by 15% by performing reliable feasibility studies coded in Excel VBA.

• Publicly presented technical strategies to Government officials, gaining drilling permit approval in GOM.

Business Manager Water Treatment
2010 - 2012
Set strategic direction and market positioning for water services including new technology.

• Generated new business in USA by treating water for developing unconventional plays with revenues worth over $20MM for first year. Generated market study and forecast for water consumption related to Oil and Gas in USA.

• Identified, tested, and implemented 8 new technologies for water treatment, serving as Technical Project Manager for technology implementation thru product lifecycle.

• Selected among company’s 30 top women for Women Leadership path.

Sub-Surface Manager
2003 - 2010
Directed strategic and technical vision for Cuttings Re-Injection (CRI) technology. CRI supports safe environmental standards and proper disposal of cuttings generated while drilling.

• Generated over $90MM in revenue by developing Waste Injection group from research and engineering to first-class worldwide service, leading over 30 engineering and operations projects.

• Designed and coded application, optimizing feasibility studies and real time data analysis, realizing 80% in time savings, presenting reliable results to customers.

• Co-authored 2 patents, wrote over 15 technical papers and presented in Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and technical publications, serving as Keynote speaker in multiple international seminars.

Sr. Wireline Engineer
1997 - 2001
Lead Engineer for wireline high-tech jobs for Oil and Gas wells in the North Sea, Venezuela, and Brazil.

• Launched implementation of 2 new wireline technologies for open hole in different geographies.

• Mentored 6 logging engineers.

• Managed 6 rigs as part of PRISA project in Venezuela. Zero incidents and 100% jobs well done.