
Certification in Data Analytics & Visualization
Specialized skills for to analyze and solve complex data problems

Advanced Excel: Pivot tables and VBA scripting

Fundamnental Statistics: Modeling and Forecasting

Python Programming: Python 3, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, API interactions

Databases: MySQL, MongoDB

Front-End Web Visualization: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Dashboarding, JavaScript, D3.js, Geomapping with Leaflet.js

Business Intelligence Software: Tableau

Advanced Topics: Big Data Analytics with Hadoop, Machine Learning

Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering
Earned scholarship and developed project thesis in Gas Condensate reservoirs

• Developed correlations to predict condensate parameters from surface data. This work was awarded with the SPE Student Contest first place in 12/2002.

• Published gas-condensate correlations to estimate dew-point pressure, specific gravity and gas-liquid ratio from readily available field data. (IPTC paper 10320-PP, SPE 112977). Work was used to program downhole tool responses for a service company.

Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering
Thesis in Geotextiles sponsored by private sector

• Internship in road design and structural engineering